At Dr Curran and Partners we are committed to making sure that you enjoy the best possible health.
This involves us
- Making ourselves as available to you as best we can
- Providing the best care and medicines within the resources available to us
- Keeping you involved and informed at all stages of your care.
We aim to play our part in providing coordinating care to meet your unique needs. We ask that you play your own role in this partnership. This involves you taking responsibility for your own health in relation to diet, exercise, smoking and other basic steps towards a healthy lifestyle. We will be happy to provide any information or advice to help you with this.
We also ask that you take account of Our Needs by
- listening to our advice
- taking any prescribed medicine as directed
- using our services appropriately.
We will do our best to meet your needs within the resources we have available and we expect you to treat us with courtesy. In cases of extreme rudeness or abuse, we can remove patients from our list.
We support the NHS equal opportunities policy.
Please Help Us By
- asking for home visits only when they are really necessary
- arriving on time, or a few minutes early if possible, for your appointment
- letting us know if you cannot attend a booked appointment
- telling us of any changes to your name, address or phone number
- giving as much information as possible about your previous illnesses (if any).
In this way, you are helping us to help you, which makes for a balanced partnership for your good health.